How to Overcome Fear of Cold Calling : Tips to Get Over It

Iqra Shaheen
July 29 2024
How to overcome fear of cold calling
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How to Overcome Fear of Cold Calling : Tips to Get Over It

“Cold calling” is one of the sales tasks that most salespeople wish to skip. 


Well, because it is the first contact with a prospect who has no prior knowledge about the call. 

Most sales professionals dread that first interaction with the prospect as they have no clue how the prospect would react to the cold call. They fear that the call will end in rejection, or they might infuriate the prospects by disturbing them. 

Below are a few tips How to overcome fear of cold calling. 

Why Are You Afraid of Cold Calling?

Cold calling is a significant hurdle for many salespeople. Understanding the reasons behind this fear can help you overcome it. Here are some common causes:

- Reason 1: You Don’t Know What to Say

One major reason for fear is the uncertainty about what to say. When the person on the other end answers, you might worry about stumbling over your words or failing to deliver a compelling pitch. This fear of messing up can paralyze you, making it difficult to start the conversation confidently.

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- Reason 2: You Don’t Know Who You’re Contacting

Cold calling often involves reaching out to strangers, which adds to the anxiety. Not knowing who you're calling, how to pronounce their name, or why they might be interested in your product can be intimidating. Without proper research, you might feel unprepared and uncertain, which undermines your ability to make a convincing pitch.

- Reason 3: You Lack Practice

If you’re new to cold calling, it's natural to feel apprehensive. Cold calling is a skill that improves with practice. In today’s digital age, fewer people are accustomed to making phone calls, which makes the experience feel even more foreign and intimidating.

- Reason 4: Fear of Rejection

Rejection is hard to handle, especially in sales. The fear of hearing a blunt "no" or encountering rude responses can be a significant barrier. This fear of rejection can discourage you from making the call in the first place, as it’s often easier to avoid the potential for negative interaction.

- Reason 5: General Phone Call Anxiety

For some, the anxiety extends beyond cold calling to making phone calls in general. Phone call anxiety is a real phenomenon, with many people, including 61% of millennials and 42% of baby boomers, reporting that they avoid phone calls. The thought of speaking to someone over the phone, especially a stranger, can cause significant stress and discomfort.

- Reason 6: Negative Past Experiences

Past negative experiences with cold calling can also contribute to fear. If you've previously encountered rude or dismissive responses, it’s natural to develop a reluctance to make more calls. These memories can create a mental block, making each new call feel like a potential repeat of the past.

- Reason 7: High Stakes

The high stakes involved in cold calling can amplify fear. If your job performance, commissions, or other critical outcomes depend on the success of your calls, the pressure can be overwhelming. This heightened sense of importance can make the fear of failure even more intense.

- Reason 8: Lack of Training

Without adequate training and preparation, cold calling can feel like stepping into the unknown. Proper training provides scripts, techniques, and confidence to handle various situations. A lack of these resources can leave you feeling unprepared and vulnerable.

Tips How to overcome fear of cold calling :

Here are some tips How to overcome fear of cold calling? Let’s start!

- Research before you dial the prospect’s number

We often get nervous when we have to speak to a stranger. To establish a rapport, you need to know who you are calling. So make sure you invest a little time in gathering necessary information about the prospect.

You can quickly get the necessary information about your prospect through social media sites. Follow their post to find out their interest. Check if you two have any mutual connection.

You can even study the prospect’s company website to understand what they do. This might appear as a tedious task, but it helps in breaking the ice. 

You are more confident when you know about the prospects. The information about the prospect helps in striking a meaningful conversation. 

Besides, it even creates a good impression on the prospect that you’ve done your research before calling them.

So make sure you do not call without researching the prospect. 

- Have a plan  

Often sales reps go blank during cold calls. This is because most of them don’t plan. 

Planning is crucial to get over the fear of cold calling

Once you do your research, plan what you need to cover during the cold call. 

  • What questions will you ask?
  • What message do you need to convey? 
  • What will be the opening sentence?
  • What will be the closing statement? 

With the help of planning, you’ll know what to say next to engage the prospects and keep them on the call for a longer duration. 

- Identify what are you afraid of 

Many thoughts might stop you from making the cold call. So, analyze and make a list of fears that are holding you back from making a cold call.  

Are you afraid that you might call the prospects at the wrong hour?  


They will say, “They are not interested.” 


You can’t articulate your thoughts when you are speaking to a stranger. 

Well, there is always a way to overcome the fear if you address it rather than ignore it. 

For instance, if you are scared about calling the prospect at the wrong hour. Then research and find out the best time to make a sales call.

Even if you call at the wrong time, apologize, and take a convenient time to call. Do get disappointed if the prospect doesn’t respond appropriately. Stay calm, and do not let it affect the next call. If you are upset, you won’t be able to have a proper conversation with the next prospects who might show interest in what you are selling. 

You cannot afford to miss any opportunity in sales, so you should prepare yourself to handle every kind of criticism and rejection. Even if the prospect says he is not interested. Do not give up easily. Ask for a reason, explain how YouTube helped other businesses in the prospect’s industry, and how you can help them too. 

- Practice with the help of mock calls 

Practice makes a man perfect. You need to practice to understand How to overcome fear of cold calling.  Take the help of your team lead or the best sales performer in your team. Request them to conduct mock call sessions where they pretend to be a buyer and you a seller. 

Ask them to make the mock call as difficult as possible to prepare you for challenging sales scenarios. Practice continuously, until you are confident to face difficult situations during a sales call. 

- Analyze and brush up on your skills. 

Keep analyzing your performance and work on improvement areas. Record your sales calls to find where you are going wrong. You can even ask your manager to listen to the recording and provide feedback. If you are facing any problem, discuss it with your manager and take their guidance. 

Track your progress and keep improving your skills. This is the only way you can understand How to overcome fear of cold calling and reach your sales targets. 

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Wrapping up 

As we wrap up about How to overcome fear of cold calling? Don’t let your fear consume you. Be confident and conquer your fear of cold calling. Plan and practice cold calling regularly. Don’t be in a hurry to call, research, and try to know who you are calling before you dial the number. 

Make a list of challenges that you face during cold calls and try to address them. You’ll find many tips on the internet to cold call effectively. So, explore them. 




Mr./Mrs. Iqra Shaheen

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