B2b Leads: Tips for Generating More B2b Leads in Pakistan

November 27 2023
B2b Leads
Lead Generation
B2b Leads: Tips for Generating More B2b Leads in Pakistan

Are you facing challenges with generating leads? If so, you've come to the right place. At Prime Bpo, we've assisted numerous established businesses and startups in enhancing their campaign success. We understand how to generate high-quality leads that will elevate your sales. Using various digital marketing tools like SMM, PPC, and SEM, we propel your lead generation process to new heights.

What is B2B Lead Generation? 

B2B lead generation stands for business-to-business lead generation, representing businesses that mainly sell to other businesses. It acts as the essential initial phase in a standard marketing strategy, marketing funnel, or sales process.

Lead generation includes gathering a potential customer's details, like their name, email, company name, and job title. This information is then utilized to tailor personalized sales pitches or advertising campaigns aimed specifically at them.

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B2B differs from business-to-consumer (B2C) lead generation, as it involves selling products and services directly to consumers.

It's important to understand that B2B lead generation is different from B2C lead generation. In B2C, products and services are marketed directly to individual consumers. B2B and B2C businesses use different methods to find leads, so it's essential to shift away from B2C strategies if you want to succeed in reaching potential B2B customers.

As per HubSpot, the top three lead sources for B2B companies are SEO (14%), email marketing (13%), and social media (12%).

It's not only about the origin of leads; the nurturing process varies significantly between B2B and B2C. That's why marketers need to begin on the right track.

It's not just where leads come from — the nurturing process varies significantly between B2B and B2C. That's why marketers need to begin on the right track.

The B2B Lead Generation Process

Mastering the art of acquiring B2B sales leads is just the beginning of a more extensive process. To genuinely boost sales, creating an effective lead generation process is crucial. This process acts as the key connection aligning marketing and sales teams, offering representatives a reliable framework to follow.

If you're dedicated to boosting sales, having a robust lead generation process is essential. Such processes align marketing and sales teams while providing reps with a reliable framework to follow.

Generating leads requires a sequence of well-planned actions carried out by salespeople and marketing teams to convert prospects into paying customers. But what specific steps does this process involve? Let's explore this process to reveal the essential elements that lead to success in B2B sales.

Step 1: Find B2B Sales Leads

The initial stage in many B2B lead generation strategies involves locating the contact details of potential buyers. (Fortunately, that's what we're addressing here! 😏) 

Contact information is typically obtained internally, created by a third-party "lead gen" company, or purchased from a lead database (which isn't recommended for B2B lead generation).

Step 2: Reaching Out to Leads

With a list of top-notch leads meeting all the criteria of your lead scoring system, representatives contact them through cold outreach methods (such as cold calls or emails), social media, other outbound strategies, or by responding to inquiries.

Step 3: Qualifying & Prospecting High-Quality Leads

While interacting with leads, reps measure how likely leads are to buy.

They’ll do this by gauging the stage leads are at during the buying process. These stages include:

1. Research & awareness: The potential customer is aware of a solution they require or a problem they're encountering, and they start seeking more information about it.The awareness   stage is where they’ll consume content like blogs, whitepapers, and case studies.

2. Consideration: The potential customer is aware of a solution they require or a problem they're encountering, and they start seeking more information about it.

3. Decision: In the process of selecting vendors that best fit their requirements, the buyer will hold multiple meetings and consult with other decision-makers before finalizing a purchase.

Depending on the lead's stage, representatives will either start nurturing campaigns or concentrate on encouraging the prospect to schedule a call or demo.

Step 4: Close Leads by Making a Sale

Success! Following several meetings with various vendors, the prospect chooses your offering, and the deal is sealed. They will now be handed over to customer success for onboarding. Yay!

B2B Lead Generation Strategies that Actually Work in 2023

To boost sales effectively, tailor your lead generation strategy to suit your industry, product, and target audience. That's why relying on just one or two B2B lead generation strategies won't be enough.

For success, your sales and marketing teams need to adopt a mindset focused on experimentation, ongoing learning, and the application of new methods to obtain B2B sales leads. This involves exploring and testing various strategies until you find what genuinely works for your specific business.

If you're prepared to explore new possibilities and step into unfamiliar territory, we've gathered 20 B2B lead generation strategies for you to try out. These strategies aim to spark creativity and assist you in discovering new paths to boost sales. It's time to move away from the usual and begin an exciting journey of exploration.

1 Run A/B Tests on Key Pages 

With thousands of website visitors exploring their site for office wallpapers, WallMonkeys utilized a heat map tool to identify the initial focal points of visitors' attention on their website. After reviewing the findings, the WallMonkeys team felt assured that they could enhance B2B sales leads by making adjustments to their homepage.

Putting their theory to the test, they split tested a new background image and search bar and boosted the conversion rate by 550 percent. Not too shabby. 

Will changing your landing page image increase conversions?

Will a homepage redesign convert more visitors into leads?

A/B split testing is the only way to find out.

2 Use Content Campaigns to Generate B2B Sales Leads 

With less than 100 monthly searches for its target keyword, Snack Nation, an office snack supplier, struggled to increase B2B sales leads through its SEO efforts.

To reach a larger audience, which would encompass their desired B2B leads, they crafted an outstanding post on "employee wellness" — a more comprehensive search term commonly used by their target buyers.

While producing the post, they took extra care to ensure that it was actually “epic” enough to generate leads.

  1. Snack Nation outdid competitors by featuring 121 ideas on “employee wellness.”
  2. They included a large number of contributions from other authorities in the industry. 
  3. They also utilized an aggressive outreach strategy to get influencers to share their posts. 

The post propelled SnackNation to the # 1 spot on Google for their keyword. 

Despite being over three years old, this post generates tons of traffic and leads for them to this day.

As Snack Nation’s story shows, evergreen content can lead to evergreen B2B lead generation.

So if you can create content that outperforms your competitors, do it.

3 Earn Your Buyers' Trust with Social Proof 

Social proof plays a significant role in many B2B lead generation strategies. Since buyers might question claims about your product or service, they seek testimonials to make a more informed purchasing decision.

The greater amount of social proof you collect on your website, the simpler it becomes to establish trust and boost sales.

Think about adding social proof onto your landing pages and homepage, sharing reviews on social media, and developing case studies. Another excellent method to build trust is by gathering positive reviews on platforms like G2 Crowd.

4 Build a Free Tool to Generate B2B Sales Leads 

  • HubSpot offers a free CRM. 
  • Crazy Egg gives a free Heatmap tool. 
  • Ubersuggest offers free SEO analytics reports. 

For SaaS and tech companies, one of the best B2B lead generation strategies I’ve witnessed is a free tool.

Offering a free tool works for B2B lead generation because:

  1. It allow leads to “try before they buy.” 
  2. It gives you a solid opt-in offer that attracts high-quality leads into your sales funnel. 

5 Use Quora Q&As to Generate More B2B Sales Leads

Using content to educate buyers and answer burning questions is nothing new. 

The challenge that most B2B marketers face is:

  1. Getting content in front of buyers.
  2. And finding questions that buyers are asking. 

Quora (or other forums) solves both of these issues.

Quora, as a social question-and-answer platform, is an undervalued platform for B2B lead generation. For instance, writer Nicolas Cole established a devoted audience and a strong reputation on Quora by providing detailed and occasionally personal answers to questions.

Find your potential buyers on Quora, respond to their inquiries, link to your content, and reap the benefits.

6 Publish And Promote More Case Studies

Case studies should be a significant component of your content marketing strategy. B2B buyers tend to be highly analytical, risk-averse, and frequently require the endorsement of multiple decision-makers focused on return on investment (ROI) before making a purchase.

And, as numerous buyers have acknowledged, this turns case studies into effective sales enablement content for the middle-to-end stages of the lead generation process.

Don't allow case studies to remain dormant on your website. Boldly promote them to significantly boost your credibility.

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7 Publish original research to generate sales from savvy buyers 

When High-Speed Training released a comprehensive report for buyers in the hospitality industry, they experienced significant return on investment (ROI).

The report not only established them as the frontrunner in their industry but also enhanced their website's visibility and garnered attention from 38 distinct media outlets.

On average,  B2B buyers come across an average of 13 content pieces before making a purchase. This content comprises details on a vendor's website, comprehensive reports, and reviews from third-party sources.

You can leverage this respect for data to significantly revolutionize your inbound lead generation. How?

Become a source for industry-related information, trends, and data. Thought-leadership will help you: 

  • Become a respected authority in your industry. 
  • Generate strong SEO backlinks and PR coverage.
  • Deliver value to your potential leads.

8 Generate Quick Wins from Landing Page Tweaks 

Everybody loves ripe, low-hanging fruit. 

Get quick B2B lead generation wins on your landing page by following these steps:  

  1. Back up your copy with social proof (say it louder for the people in the back 📢).
  2. Make your call-to-action (CTA) copy more relevant. 
  3. Upgrade your headline to catch the attention of buyers.
  4. Use a live chat functionality on your page to educate and overcome objections.

9 Personalize your website with dynamic web pages 

Website personalization is no longer an extra benefit in B2B lead generation strategies. It's essential.

To personalize the purchasing experience on your website, employ dynamic pages and content that adjust according to your visitor's:

  • Name
  • Location
  • Industry
  • Company 

ABM (Account-Based Marketing) efforts contribute an intimate touch to the buyer's journey, crafting a remarkably personalized experience.

10 Create Hard-Hitting Lead Magnets and Incentives

Lead magnets are the bread to your B2B lead generating butter. 

Richard Wood, Managing Director at Six & Flow, defines a lead magnet as, "Something you can offer a prospect that holds significant perceived value in return for their contact information, such as an email address. To craft an effective lead magnet, concentrate on your buyer personas and a particular challenge that you can address.

However, many companies misunderstand the concept of a lead magnet. They provide superficial content that's readily available in a standard blog post. That doesn't truly exude a sense of "magnetism," does it?

Don’t make the same mistake. 

If you're not confident it holds value, discard the superficial content and instead, convey your detailed, real-life experience in formats such as:

  • In-depth guides
  • Comprehensive how-tos
  • Detailed case studies
  • Resource libraries
  • Workbooks or checklists 
  • Templates 

11 Cater to a Visual B2B Audience with in-Depth YouTube Videos

If you aren’t using videos in your lead generation campaigns, here are two reasons why you should: 

  1. Ninety percent of marketers agree that video is the best way to repurpose B2B content. 
  2. YouTube is also the second-largest search engine on the web.  

You don’t need blockbuster videos. Instead, you can easily repurpose your current content into informative videos that help generate leads.

As humans, we are all drawn to video because of the connections that video allows us to make with buyers.  And when we can do that we win more business.

12 Experiment with Creative Outreach 

While your competitors may rely on boring cold email scripts, injecting creativity into your outreach can significantly impact your B2B lead generation endeavors. We've recently penned an article on the most innovative lead generation ideas, complete with examples. Feel free to explore them for inspiration!

13 Target high-value leads on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the place to be for “big deal,” high-value B2B lead generation. Advertising on the platform: 

  • Templafy generated 25 marketing qualified leads in a week with a 475 percent ROI.
  • Reed Exhibitions generated 20 percent of all revenue for its SNSR risk and security expo.
  • Mismatch grew its sales pipeline of suppliers 10x for its engineering materials platform. 

While competition is intense, and the cost-per-click is higher compared to other platforms, the tradeoff is the capability to precisely target your audience.

If you’re going to advertise on LinkedIn, make sure you offer: 

  • A premium B2B product or service. Larger lifetime value (LTV) usually allows for the large budget you need to play on LinkedIn
  • Unique, high-level education. LinkedIn members are known for being career and skill-minded. If you’re offering content that will help them, you’re likely to see better returns from your ads. 

14 Experiment With Alternative Social Media Platforms 

Robin, a workplace platform, took a gamble by focusing their lead generation efforts on platforms where finding B2B leads is challenging—and it resulted in success.

Rather than emphasizing traditional channels such as LinkedIn or Twitter, they opted to share user-generated content on Instagram and Pinterest.

To Robin's surprise, it was a success. The company witnessed a 50 percent increase in web traffic and gained 20 percent more leads as a result.

As proven by Robin's story, being a B2B entity doesn't prevent you from generating sales through B2C social channels.

Don't hesitate to experiment with new platforms like TikTok. Being an early adopter might lead you to discover a hidden gem.

15 Expand your B2B Lead Generation with Guest Posts

There’s a reason why Inbound lead generation pros like Hubspot still use guest posting to increase B2B sales:

It’s an underused (and misunderstood) strategy that works. 

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According to a survey by Aira, 42 percent of digital marketers they polled use guest posting:

Even though it has a controversial history, guest posting remains the top link-building strategy recommended by SEOs.

As a means to improve your overall search engine optimization and establish yourself as an authority to a new audience of potential B2B leads, guest posting is far from being obsolete.

16 Cater to New B2B Buyers on Mobile 

As mobile traffic continues to grow, ensuring optimization for mobile devices is becoming more crucial in creating an effective B2B lead generation strategy.

According to DemandGenReport:

  • 91% of B2B buyer searches occur on a mobile device.  
  • 74% of B2B buyers research half or more of their purchases online before making a decision.

They also discovered that B2B marketers who have already optimized for mobile are witnessing 'reduced purchasing time and increased customer loyalty.

Given that it takes seconds to check your site’s compatibility with mobile devices, there’s no excuse for not being mobile-friendly. 

17 Optimize for Long-Tail Keywords to Get More Sales Qualified Leads

A long-tail keyword consists of three or more words and is highly specific. Typically, it tends to have a low search volume.

By targeting the appropriate long-tail keyword, you sacrifice search volume in exchange for significantly higher purchase intent, resulting in increased sales with minimal SEO effort.

18 Run Campaigns Based on Competitor Keywords

If your competitors are gravitating towards specific websites for backlinks or seem to concentrate on optimizing particular sets of keywords, that's quite significant. It indicates they've discovered successful keywords that generate leads.

Utilizing SEO research tools such as Ahrefs and SEMrush allows you to benefit from this strategy by focusing on the same websites and keywords, driving increased sales-ready traffic to your website.

A quick tip: Investing time and resources in optimizing for a specific keyword, consider running a small paid advertising campaign to gauge its effectiveness in attracting and converting your ideal B2B leads.

19 Format Your Web Page Title Tags And Description Lengths Properly

Main KW – Secondary KW - Brand

The optimum character count for the web page title and description is 60 and 160. If you exceed the recommended description length, Google will automatically truncate them in the search results.

Pro Tip: There are many free online character count tools that you can use to be sure.

20 Organize Webinars to Capture New Leads

Organizing webinars for lead generation is a key strategy. A webinar is an online presentation designed to engage customers, educate them about your products or services, address their pain points, build trust, and enhance brand awareness. It's an excellent method to connect with potential clients, establishing relationships with them even before they commit to your product.

In addition to engaging potential clients, webinars serve as an effective method to draw in new leads. If you seek ways to generate more sales leads without investing in advertising, consider hosting a live webinar featuring a special offer or discount code for your product. Another strategy is to invite relevant businesses or startups that could benefit from your product or service as guests on your webinar. This approach helps in raising awareness about your business and drives traffic back to it once the event concludes.

Keep in mind, when considering webinars as part of your marketing campaigns, the key is to provide valuable content to your target audience and your ideal customers.

The Key to B2B Lead Generation Strategies: Find what Works For You

Unlocking effective B2B lead generation strategies is crucial for overcoming challenges and driving sales growth. Although it may appear daunting, it's definitely achievable.

The world of lead generation tactics and strategies can be overwhelming, leaving you pondering questions like:

  • Which B2B lead generation strategy is truly the best?
  • Will this tactic genuinely boost sales?
  • What approach will yield the most favorable outcomes?

Overthinking and excessively fine-tuning your lead generation efforts may not always produce the desired results. Instead, gather your team, collaborate on a few promising strategies and tactics, and then take decisive action.

The important thing is to find what suits your specific situation, discard what doesn't, and boost sales without getting overwhelmed by missed chances.


  • Identifying where your buyers gather and engage.
  • Understanding who they rely on for research and information.
  • Uncovering the factors that drive their purchase decisions.
  • Addressing their primary concerns and pain points.


Collecting this vital information allows you to identify B2B lead generation strategies that align with both your business and your customers, resulting in meaningful outcomes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

What is the best lead generation for B2B?

The best lead generation method for B2B varies, but effective strategies include content marketing, SEO, email marketing, social media, networking events, and referral programs.

What are the sources of B2B lead generation?

Sources of B2B lead generation include:
- Content marketing
- Search engine optimization (SEO)
- Email marketing
- Social media marketing
- Networking events
- Referral programs
- Cold calling
- Trade shows and conferences
- Webinars and online events
- Account-based marketing (ABM) campaigns

What are 4 efficient lead generation strategies for B2B marketers?

Four efficient lead generation strategies for B2B marketers are:


  • Content Marketing: Content marketing is the best way to create lead generation. In this strategy, you have to create valuable information like blog posts, and case studies to attract and engage potential leads.

  • Email Marketing: By sending relevant content and offers through emails, you can generate good leads.

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimize your website content to rank higher in SERP's and attract organic traffic to get leads.

  • Account-Based Marketing (ABM): Targeting specific high-value accounts with personalized marketing campaigns tailored to their needs and interests, fostering deeper relationships and driving conversions.


How to generate leads in 2024?

  1. Personalized Content: Tailor content to specific audience segments using data analytics and AI insights.

  2. Interactive Marketing: Engage prospects through interactive content like quizzes and polls.

  3. Video Marketing: Utilize video content across platforms to capture attention and convey messages effectively.

  4. Chatbots and AI Assistants: Implement AI tools for instant support and lead qualification.

  5. Social Media Engagement: Engage with prospects through targeted content and advertising on social platforms.

  6. Voice Search Optimization: Optimize content for voice search queries with natural language keywords.

  7. Influencer Marketing: Collaborate with influencers to reach new audiences and build credibility.

  8. Data Privacy and Compliance: Ensure compliance with data privacy regulations when handling lead information.


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